Memorise: "For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost" (Rom 14:17)
Read: Isaiah 9:6-7
Psalm 110:3 talks about people submitting in the day of God's power. The day of God's power refers to when the Lord is in control of the life of an individual and this starts on the day Jesus Christ is accepted as Lord and Saviour. There are three basic kingdoms: God's, self and satan's. When God is ruling your life, it will be characterized by peace. If you lack peace, it could mean that you are yet to have the Prince of Peace as your head. Self-government is another kingdom which refers to a time when you are in charge of your life. You are free to do anything, go anywhere, spend your money as you like it. You can eat or drink what you like, have as many boy friends or girl friends as you desire because God is out of the equation. In Judges 17:6, when there was no king in Israel, everyone became lawless. This is very dangerous.
Living to please only yourself is the greatest bondage you can be in. Like king Solomon, such an individual will become enslaved to his fleshly desires; Whatever he sees ensnares him. He wants to grab and grab just anything that meets his fancy. That is the greatest slavery a man can be involved in. Are you enslaved to your lusts, passions and desires? The Lord is not on the throne of your heart. One evidence to show Jesus is in your heart is that He will put several checks in place. You may have several desires He will not permit you to satisfy. Is Jesus the Lord of your life? If you find it difficult to forgive your neighbour, it is because you are in charge. If you take crucial decisions about your life and only advise God about it, He is not involved in your life. A godless life is characterized by blunders, errors and regret. If you find it difficult to obey God completely, it is because the Lord is yet a stranger in your house. Until you make Him Lord, He will allow you to continue running your life yourself. It is almost impossible to arrive at Heaven's destination when you follow your personal route. If you are still troubled, anxious or afraid, Jesus has not been allowed to govern your life. Look at yourself and your activities. Can you point out the evidence of His rulership?
The works of the flesh are evidences of self-government while the fruit of the Spirit reveal divine government. Which of these operate in you?
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