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Sunday, August 7, 2011


Memorise: "I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep" (John 10:11)

Read: John 10:9-11

The Prince of Peace can give you victory over the battles of life. He can perform wonders materially and maritally. Never say you are too old to conceive. Sarah said so but got a shocker. Recently, in one of my visits to America, I heard this testimony: There was this lady who had been barren for years. I went to minister in their parish. From the hotel where I lodged, I went for church service but forgot my offering envelope. So I sent for an usher who incidentally was the husband of the lady in question, to go to my hotel room to bring my offering envelope. On his way, his wife asked where he was going and he told her. She screamed that her opportunity had come at last. She pleaded that she should have access to the envelope for a few minutes before he dropped it into the offering basket. She rubbed the envelope on her stomach before it was dropped and that month she became pregnant. The Prince of Peace who gave her victory over barrenness will give you victory this season over barrenness of whatever kind that is operating in your life.

Moreover, besides physical, material and marital wonders, the Prince of Peace also performs wonders spiritually. In Mark 5:1-20, He turned a mad man into an evangelist. This means He moved this man from the most shameful level of insanity into the most honourable profession recognized by Heaven. The Lord will move you from that unpleasant level to a highly desired one in Jesus' Name. One of my sons who is a pastor in the United States came to share this testimony recently: He said that during a particular Congress where I was led to declare that everyone's dress had been anointed, he was around: He believed it and on getting home, he laid the 'anointed dress' on the altar and told members of his congregation who wanted to tap into the anointing that was released at the Congress to touch it with their handkerchief. Coincidentally, another pastor was there on that day. When he heard this, he removed his jacket and laid it on my son's 'Congress dress' before returning to his church. While ministering the following Sunday in his church, an old lady fell down and passed on. The doctors examined and certified her dead. So the pastor took off his jacket he had laid on his friend's anointed 'Congress dress' and laid it on the woman and within minutes, she came back to life. Are you dying? Is your business dying? Is your spiritual life ebbing? The Lord of Peace is restoring life to you now. That spirit of death sent against you has lost the battle against your life.

Command every mission of the spirit of death against your life, family and business to be destroyed in Jesus' Name.

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