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Saturday, August 6, 2011


Memorise: "They that sow in tears shall reap in joy" (Psalm 126:5)

Read: Psalm 126:5-6

Sowing can be a very challenging thing to do. Psalm 126:6 says, "He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him". One thing you will note from today's passage is that you may need to sow in tears so as to change your life. The seed that will move you to your next level may bring tears to your eyes. God asks hard and gives without limits. If you keep sowing without parting with your Isaac, you may not receive your desired harvest, or it may take you so long to get there. With most believers, the problem is not in being ignorant of what to give but in being able to make the sacrifice. If God tells you what to give but you refuse, do not expect to leave where you are in a long time. Isaiah 1:19 says you must combine willingness with obedience if you must enter your harvest. Has God showed you what to give in order to relocate to the next level? Does the price appear too costly? Simply obey in tears. Sow in tears and you will reap in joy. A minister who had been anointed and used of God to a level wanted to move to the next level. Then the Lord told him to sow five hours of prayers into every message before going to the pulpit but he considered it too much a price to pay and remained on his former level for long.

Many times when I ask God for something big, He would ask me to sow a seed towards it. When the church was not growing the way it should, I sought God in weeping, fasting and prayer, then the Lord asked what I would give to Him. Thoughtfully, I said I would give anything to see the church grow in signs and wonders. At that time I had a Pajero jeep which was my 'jet'. I loved it so much because all through the four years of its use, it never gave me any problem. The Lord asked for it. It was a hard seed that brought tears to my eyes but because I had promised, I agreed. The Lord asked me to sow it to another ministry and I obeyed. The day the new owner came for it, my driver wept. We had grown so fond of the car and were practically in love with it. But that marked a turning point in my ministry! What is that seed that is too costly for you to sow? Are you withholding it because you want to prevent the pains, tears, and denial of losing it? Consider the joy that loss would bring and go ahead and obey God. You can change your level.

If you are not hard on yourself, Heaven will not be soft towards you. Ask for grace to part with your life-changing seed.

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