Bible in one year...Josh 4-6
Memorise: "But when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth: " (Matthew 6:3)
Read: Matthew 6:1-4
"Pray without ceasing" is a command to us in 1 Thessalonians 5:17. Besides redeeming vows, restituting your ways, returning to God and receiving instructions from God, continuous effective prayer is another way of averting famine. To be effective, prayer must be fervent, fiery, Word-based and consistent. It must be sandwiched between the wrappers of thanksgiving. It must be done without ceasing; that is, use every available opportunity to connect Heaven both day and night. Before you leave for work or school, pray. On your way to that appointment, pray. On getting to the office, pray. Employ the tool of prayer always and famine will be kept at bay. You shall not be a victim of famine this season in Jesus' Name.
Moreover, today's reading tells us of the kind of individuals that could be rescued from famine. The widow of Zarephath was a blessing and she sustained that attribute. She was such a sacrificial giver that she could part with her last meal in time of famine just to avoid a famine. That is tough. That is some sacrifice. Are you that sacrificial? Like Isaac, could you sow in time of famine? To prevent a famine you must be prepared to part with what others hold tightly to. What are you grabbing so tenaciously? It could be what you need to release, to get out of that famine situation you are in.
Another lesson from the story of the widow who overcame famine in 1 Kings 17:8-24 is that even though she was the vessel through which Elijah was sustained, nobody knew about it. Meanwhile, the king had declared a man hunt for the National Prophet. If she had opened her mouth, the whereabouts of the prophet would have leaked to the king. She knew how to be a blessing and also to avoid being a curse. Those people who provide assistance to some but later make public whatever they have given become a curse after being a blessing. It is possible to destroy your blessing and enter into a famine. If God used you to bless your pastor with a car, and thereafter you go about telling people that but for you, your pastor would never have experienced what it is like to be a car owner, then you are destroying the blessings that could have followed that deed of kindness. If you gossip about those who are under you, you are cursing your blessing. In any way you have cursed your blessing, repent and amend your ways.
Avoid any evil act capable of uprooting good seeds sown. Father, let my labour not be in vain.
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