Memorise: "Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven" (Matt 6:10)
Read: Matthew 6:9-13
Satan loves to disgrace his followers. He leads them to the battle front assuring them of victory only to tactically withdraw when they are not looking. Why? He loves to clothe people with shame. Every plan to clothe you with shame this season shall come to naught. Are you in control of your life? Or is Satan dominating you? One cry that could bring you out is, 'Let your Kingdom come'. In the Lord's prayer, Our Lord Jesus Christ taught us to say, "Thy kingdom come". Why? It is because apart from self government and Satan's government, there is divine government. Until you come under the authority of this Heavenly government, you cannot have a fulfilled life. If Satan or self is in charge of your life, you must cry: Thy kingdom come!
The call - 'Thy Kingdom come' is the cry of the desperate. It is a call for assistance. When earth has failed, it is time to call down Heaven to intervene. For instance, the Gadarene demoniac of Mark 5:1-20 was hopelessly trapped by the powers of darkness. As he complied with the shameful dictates of his spiritual captors, he cried but could not help himself. He was sad and tormented. Then one day, Heaven smiled on him. The one Satan had concluded would die in captivity got respite; Jesus came his way. Before his captors could think of what to do, in one moment of sanity, he ran with such speed that he could have won a 100 metre dash. He knelt down before the Lord and worshipped Him. As he submitted to the Lord, he was saying, 'Thy Kingdom come'. He was fed up of the satanic kingdom. And that was how he got his deliverance. Have you been in bondage for so long that contrary to your will, you have remained in Satan's slave market? Have forces of darkness held you bound? The Lord is giving you respite this moment. This is your moment of change. Like the erstwhile demoniac, run to submit to Jesus and ask His Kingdom to come into your life. Every force of darkness holding you against your will is broken now. The Lord is setting you free now. Totally turn your life over to Him. Suddenly, you will find that you are more powerful than your former captors.
Action point
Father, let Your Kingdom come into every area of my life and family today.
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