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Saturday, August 6, 2011


Memorise: "Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth " (Eph 4:28)

Read: 1 Kings 19:19-21

Elisha's response to the call to service is an outstanding case study in commitment, loyalty and faithfulness. The day Elijah threw his mantle on him, he left everything and went after the man of God. Although he was of rich parents, he never allowed the wealth of his parents to stand in his way. Today, what separates some people from God's call is their wealth, possession, position or achievements. They would wonder: 'How can I leave my safe haven for the unknown? How will I take care of my family and give them qualitative education if I go into full time ministry?' But they have forgotten that the One who has called them is the Creator of Heaven and earth, the Owner of silver and gold who has their future already figured out. Are you resisting God's call on your life because you have no physical assurance? Fear not! Those children you are bothered about are not yours but God's. You cannot care more for another man's child than the biological parents. The Lord will make a way for you! If you refuse to heed God's call on your life, you are walking in unbelief. That act of unbelief is an insult to the Most High and can land you in trouble.

The call met Elisha working in the farm. Some children of rich parents want everything done for them by house helps. This is wrong! Elisha was unlike them. I told my pastors that anyone who avoids manual labour cannot be used of God in the miraculous. Any hand that cannot wash clothes, iron, cook, wash toilet or sweep, that wants to raise the dead should prepare to be on Heaven's waiting list. To be mightily used of God, assign some domestic chores to house helps but keep some for yourself and be ready to work with your hands. While others in Elisha's category were thinking of pleasure, he was thinking of hard work. While others were sitting at home with legs crossed, he was thinking of how to please God. No wonder his commitment and hard work delivered the double portion anointing to him, making even kings to call him Daddy. His greatest asset however was the possession of a servant-spirit with which he served to the end. Whenever you serve your parents or spiritual parents to the end, be assured that God will start something with you. After the end is a new beginning. Many fail to get a new beginning because they did not serve till the end. No matter how educated or wealthy you become, always remember to uphold, respect and honour your parents because they were the passage through which you came into this world.

Thank God for your biological and spiritual parents. Ask God for grace to start serving God from where they stopped.

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