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Saturday, August 6, 2011


Memorise: " Then said I, Wisdom is better than strength: nevertheless the poor man's wisdom is despised, and his words are not heard " (Ecc 9:16)

Read: Ecclesiastes 9:13-16

Another lesson we learn from Exodus 3:1-4 is that although God is a Consuming Fire, He allows His fire to consume selectively. When the Consuming Fire descended on Samson in Judges 15:14, only the ropes that bound him got burnt, while he remained unhurt. Similarly, when the uncompromising trio were hurled into Nebuchadnezzar's fiery furnace, they were unhurt because they landed into the Consuming Fire's protective cover (Dan 3:23-25). Meanwhile, the ropes that bound them were roasted. When you go through fire and the Consuming Fire is with you, there is no need to fear. You shall not be burnt. Are you passing through some fiery situations or tests? As long as the Consuming Fire is with you, not one strand of your hair will be burnt.

"God has spoken once; twice have I heard this; that power belongeth unto God" (Psalm 62:11). The fact that God selectively consumes tells us something about His attributes. God is the Almighty and also the God of wisdom. He has power and wisdom in tremendous degrees. We observe that His wisdom controls His power frequently. His wisdom guides Him on what to consume and what not to consume. Ecclesiastes 9:16 says wisdom is more preferable than strength. The elders say: The one with strength but lacks wisdom is worse than the laziest fellow. Anointing without wisdom can be counter-productive. As a believer, you must let wisdom control all you do. When you expect God to act in a particular way but He doesn't, do not fault Him: It could be because He is allowing His wisdom to control His power.

Psalm 62:11 says power is God's personal property. When it appears God has failed to meet with your expectations, do not lose faith in Him. He is still in control being the All-wise God. Even when such expectations are delayed, they will not be denied. God's wisdom puts in place what should be done in its proper position, timing and perspective in a way as to receive maximum benefits for both the person in question and God. God's wisdom guarantees mutual satisfaction of human and divine needs. God knows the best time to give you that desire. The time you consider best may not be so after all. Do you employ wisdom in the use of power in your custody? Do you accept God's decision on when, where and how your request is delivered to you? Ask God for more wisdom today.

Action point
Father, help me to grow in wisdom and in the knowledge of Jesus Christ.

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