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Saturday, August 6, 2011


Memorise: "My son, if sinners entice thee, consent thou not" (Prov 1:10)

Read: 1 Peter 5:8-9

The virgin is not only pure, undefiled and of the highest moral standards, but also highly disciplined. To be disciplined means you must have a trainer, a training manual and the grace to hear and comply with instructions. Similarly, you must have the humility to take correction and punishment when you err. Without these, you cannot go far as a virgin. You must be hard on your flesh. When Job's eyes were getting him into trouble too frequently, he took a decisive and informed decision never to lust after a maid (Job 31:1). That takes discipline! It means he could no more afford to stare for long at any lady especially the ravishing ones. For some believers, anything goes. Like their mentor Solomon, anything their eyes see they must have (Ecc 2:10). There is no slavery like being a slave to your desires. If you cannot dictate to your eyes what it should or shouldn't see, you are not yet ready for the Heavenly Kingdom.
If you do not know when to turn off your television set or move to another channel when unedifying programmes are featured, you may be miles away from being a virgin. If you do not know that there are ungodly hours during which you must not visit the opposite sex including the fellow you intend to marry, you are far from being a virgin.

In line with this, a virgin is most cautious and careful. The fellow identifies danger zones and keeps off. Why are you always visiting that sister at night if there is no ulterior motive? If you are a virgin, your body is not for any man to freely touch and explore. You must keep a healthy distance from your female secretary and not turn your house maid into your second wife. As a minister, you will be careful of the ministers you associate with. You will cut off from those who can lure you into greed, fornication and unhealthy ministerial practices. A virgin is very meticulous. You will look before you leap. You will not jump at every offer. You will not just accept any suitor because you are getting old. You will not want to be dragged into shame or folly hence you will take all the care. Are you as careful? A virgin is led by the Spirit of God, not by his or her head. Are you a virgin?

Action point
Pray that God would raise from our children and teenagers godly virgins.

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