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Saturday, August 6, 2011


Bible in one year Josh 7-9
Memorise: "For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows" (1 Tim 6:10)

Read: 1 Timothy 6:6-10

Some people will labour for others to enjoy all through their lives. This happens to those who seek material things and forsake the One whom they should seek. It is a curse to labour only for others to take your harvest. That shall not be your portion in Jesus' Name. There is this Yoruba adage that says, When an English man was asked why he was not working, he said, 'Who will take the harvest of the foolish man's work?' If you are not born again but pursuing wealth, assets and investments, sooner or later your harvest will be handed over to Christians. The rich sinner continues to attract problems to himself. The temptation that may not come to the door step of the poor will find itself at the thresholds of the rich.

"But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition" (1 Tim 6:9). Another problem of the rich is the temptation to use their wealth to buy what will kill them. Many rich people engage in smoking cigars, and using other mind-bending substances such as heroin, cocaine, etc. They will buy whisky and other alcoholic drinks to show that they have arrived. Most of the time, they are actively buying death with their money. If you do not have enough to eat, you would not be thinking of marrying a second or third wife. The rich can afford to marry 10 wives or more or even have one wife at home while several concubines litter everywhere. They think it is enjoyment, but they do not know they are buying what would tear their home in shreds. Smoking attracts several heart and lung problems such as cancer. This in turn reduces the life span of the smoker. It is a foolish person who would invest hard earned money in things capable of destroying him. The question is: What do you spend your money on? Are you buying what can kill your spiritual life or what can build it? It is amazing that many believers are still ignorant of what to spend their money on. As a rule, before purchases are made, engage in some planning. As much as possible, avoid sporadic purchases. Also, evaluate the physical and spiritual benefits of the intended purchase before going ahead. Never buy anything that will be injurious to your spiritual or physical health. Never buy anything that will become a temptation to you. Never use your money to buy what can destroy you.

Action point
Carefully itemize foods, drinks, leisure or pleasurable services capable of harming you physically or spiritually and blacklist them.

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