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Saturday, August 6, 2011


Memorise: "For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie" (Rev 22:15)

Read: Revelation 22:14-15

All houses appear to have great foundations and promise of strength until they go through the test of storms. In Matthew 7:24-27, the Lord talked of two houses - one built on the rock and the other on sand. Both appeared quite strong and promising until the floods came, one collapsed while the other stood firm. In the day of storm, you and whatever you have built on the Lord Jesus Christ will stand the test of time. Many have lost marriage, careers or businesses to the storms of life because they refused to pay the initial attention required of them during foundation laying. You shall not be a victim of faulty foundation in Jesus' Name!

In the same vein, all children look alike until they commit an offence. While the bona fide ones are immediately corrected and disciplined, the bastards are left on their own. A child left to himself is doomed. If God does not correct you for wrong speech, reaction and conduct, He needs not say more: He is not your Father! When last did God cane you for wrong-doing and you wept like a baby? May you never be above correction! That God calls you His child does not mean He cannot call you something else. As our Creator, He has the right to call any of us His creature (John 1:1-3). He even calls some people dogs. Dogs are wonderful creatures - at least my dogs are; they accompany me to any place I want them to, and do whatever I ask them to. Yet, Matthew 15:21-28 says the children's bread shall not be given to dogs. Spiritually, dogs symbolize something negative. Revelation 22:15 says dogs have a place -outside. They are outside God's blessings - power, grace and Kingdom. This means, no matter how much a dog is loved, sooner or later, it will end up outside. Who are dogs? The above passage classifies dogs as whore mongers - everyone who indulges in sexual immorality, adultery, fornication, sodomy, bestiality, murder, idolatry, lying, etc. As long as you indulge in any of these sins, you will remain outside of God's blessings and presence. The gates of Heaven will be shut against you. Are the gates of Heaven shut against you? Look a little closer and find out of if Heaven sees you as a dog. If you are shut out of God's blessings, it could mean you are seen as a dog. Why not repent?

Action point
Father, in any way I am shut outside Your mercy and blessing, have mercy and bring me in.

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