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Saturday, August 6, 2011


Memorise: "If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame" (Hebrew 6:6)

Read: Hebrews 6:4-6

Although the first stage of the second advent of Christ will be sudden and unannounced, the second stage however will come with fanfare, noise and much publicity. The whole world will be aware of Christ's physical return. Revelation 1:7 says all eyes shall see Him. One lesson here is that secret preparation always provokes public proclamation. There is always a place for secret preparation and charge-taking. If you fail to do the right thing in secret, the expected public result will not follow. Many people want Heaven to publicly proclaim them like it happened to the Lord Jesus twice in His life time, yet, they fail to make the necessary preparation. God will not proclaim the one He does not know. The one who has not made a mark in Heaven through effective and concerted prayer life, wholesome and consistent life of thanksgiving, unrestricted Spirit-led praise and worship, Heaven-touching giving, or consistent soul-winning cannot be proclaimed by God. You have to touch God's heart before His mouth would open. If you are yet to be publicly proclaimed by God (not men, and definitely not by advertising yourself), it is because you have a price to pay. Unlike earth where just anything goes, Heaven is a place of order hence, it will respond only to your steps. Have you paid the price?

"For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be" (Matthew 24:27). The second phase of the Lord's coming will be revealed to all. All eyes shall see Him and the cloud of witnesses accompanying Him from Heaven. Such spectators will include the descendants of those who crucified Him at His first advent. It will also include born again Christians who refused to tap into and effectively utilize God's grace to live holy and so were left behind. According to today's reading, such Christians have crucified the Lord the second time. All crucifiers will witness Christ's return with shame, sorrow, and great wailing. They will weep because they rejected Him. They will weep because the One they thought did not matter is now to determine the fate of the whole earth including theirs. They will weep because they disappointed the One who loved them so much. On that day, would you be among the Heavenly cloud that will be jubilating or would weeping be your portion? Your decision today could determine your placement on that day.

Both those who crucified Jesus in ignorance and those who in knowledge are crucifying Him now will be classed as common enemies.

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