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Saturday, August 6, 2011


Bible in one year Josh 13-15
Memorise: "Be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord. Behold, the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it, until he receive the early and latter rain"( James 5:7)

Read: James 5:7-8

"Be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord. Behold, the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it, until he receives the early and latter rain" (James 5:7).

Usually, there is a time span between time of sowing and reaping. Depending on the type of seed, it could be long or short. While it takes the farmer about three months to harvest his maize seed, it could take several years to see the first harvest from a palm tree. Anything that will last takes time. Even when all the money required to erect a skyscraper is available, it takes time to build a solid foundation on which all the floors would rest. Today, people want immediate harvests. Sow today, reap today. It does not work that way. Farmers are never in a hurry.
They know that for their harvest to be good, it must mature. Unfortunately, some Christians are very impatient with their seeds. The impatient farmer who goes for a premature harvest will end up setting his teeth on edge with his unripe fruits. Fruits are sweet and enjoyable only when they are ripe and mature. But if they are not, they can be quite upsetting and irritating to the teeth and stomach. Wait on your seeds!

The average farmer understands the process of turning a seed into a harvest. After planting a seed, it dies and sprouts again. After a period, with continuous receipt of water and nutrients from the soil, it grows and increases capacity until it becomes a tender tree with not so strong roots; then its roots spread more underground and it becomes a young stronger tree and later a very strong tall tree with wider and firmer root tentacles. At this level of stability and maturity it begins to develop fruits in its branches which take some period to ripen before the farmer begins to take the harvest of the ripe fruits. There is no magic in farming as all seeds go through the same process - only that some ripen long before others. Every seed you sow goes through the same process. As long as you sowed a good seed on a good ground, it will surely deliver your harvest. Those pending seeds you have sown will deliver joy to you sooner than you expect. But some will bring theirs much later. And you will be glad they delayed their harvest till such a time. Keep on sowing! Seeds have a way of giving you hope for a future. Wait on each seed sown!

Seeds go on rescue missions. Dorcas' seeds spoke for her and engineered her resurrection. You cannot tell when your seed will deliver you.

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